Sunday, April 6, 2014

Reality Check

The article linked below, claims the Affordable Care Act is a success because 7.1 million people have signed up.  In a nation of 311 million, that's an interesting conclusion upon which to draw.  If my math is correct, this figure indicates just under 2.5 percent of the population has complied with this mandate.  If my math is indeed correct, that also means 97.5 percent of the population have made a different choice.

Realistically speaking, if President Obama's campaign for president had received 2.5 percent of the vote, success would not be the term used to describe the outcome.  As a matter of fact, this raises several questions regarding our election system, all together;  but I digress.

The fact that a little over seven million people have been bullied or intimidated into health coverage and our present administration considers that to be a success, is a sad, sad reflection on so many levels, of the state of our union.